Absolute Duo
This is the story of Tooru Kokonoe who has enrolled at Kouryou Academy, a school which trains students in wielding Blaze, soul powered weapons to prepare them for the Dorn Agency's special peacekeeping corps. When Tooru is partnered with a mysterious girl: Julie Sigtuna, he finds he has to overcome many hurdles to ensure their teamwork and fighting skills are up to par for the duration of their training.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Actor: Nozomi Nishida, Manami Tanaka, Nozomi Yamamoto, Ayaka Imamura, Ayaka Suwa, Haruka Yamazaki, Mami Uchida
Country: Japan
Type: tv
Duration: 0h 24m
Release: 2015
Rating: 7.9
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